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  1. C

    My a/c is not working

    Did you already check if there are compressor problems or if there is a leakage? Haven't experienced this but from my knowledge and passion for cars this might be an indicator that there is a problem with the AC compressor. Its good that you'll contact your local dealer, they'll fix this in no...
  2. C

    Questions about leasing

    what he said is right, you can use the tax credits and proceed with your monthly payments. you still need to talk to your dealer first to let them know, works for me but it depends on you and the dealer.
  3. C

    Lessons from First-Gen Vehicles!

    that's too bad to hear man, although these are only simple issues and can be serviced easily, it is unfair for consumers to experience it the second time around in just a span of an hour after the service. Good thing they gave you a refund without a fuss, sometimes they are really stubborn and...
  4. C

    Free EA Charging not so free anymore is it?

    The only tip that would work in situations like this is to set your alarm to 29 mins and 30 secs and do it manually and pull the plug just right before it hits 29:59 to avoid going over the free session. They're just avoiding other people who have taken advantage of their lenient policy in the past.
  5. C

    Your favorite retailer Walmart is adding charging stations

    Finally! i kept on wondering when Walmart will invest in EV charging stations, its so convenient to shop freely while your EV is charging... it is still a matter of supply and demand in my opinion, is the number of charging station enough to cater each customer?what will happen to gas-powered...

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