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  1. dance_to_heal

    Why was the windows down after heavy rain?

    Our family just got back to our car after a heavy rain and... to our surprise all the windows are open! We thought who the h*ll's goona try and rob us under that heavy rain. Parked it locked before we went for dinner and now this? My dad's key fob doesn't have any fancy window-open features, and...
  2. dance_to_heal

    Free EA Charging not so free anymore is it?

    Just got stung with a small charge at Electrify America for going a hair over 30 minutes on their free session. Anyone else noticed a change in their policy? In the past, I could squeak by with a few seconds extra, but now it seems like they're charging even for tiny amounts of overtime. Gotta...
  3. dance_to_heal

    How do you keep a spare tire?

    Is there any customization tips to keep a spare tire? Share a pic if you can! Appreciate it. I read someone wants to try under floor area but that's just impossible!
  4. dance_to_heal

    Hello! Hello!

    Gearing up for an epic EV road trip. Kinda new to this. Any tips for long-distance charging?
  5. dance_to_heal

    Gearing up for an epic EV road trip. Any tips for long-distance charging strategies?

    Gearing up for an epic EV road trip. Any tips for long-distance charging strategies?

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